Facts about Ashura – The 10th of Muharram
* Fasting on the 10th Muharram i.e. Ashura was obligatory on the Muslims before the fasts of Ramadan were made obligatory.
* Fasting on the 10th of Muharram expiates the sins of the previous year.
* Musa (as) and the Bani Israel were saved from the Pharaoh by the parting of the sea on 10th Muharram.
* Prophet Musa (as) as a sign of gratitute to Allah used to fast on the day of Ashura and Jews did the same.
* Prophet Muhammad (saw) on hearing the fast of Musa (as) also ordered the Muslims to fast on this day and himself did the same.
* Prophet Muhammad (saw) decided to fast on 9th Muharram as well to differentiate from the Jews but he passed away before he could do so.
Misconceptions about Ashura
* This is the day Prophet Adam (as) was created
* This is the day when Allah accepted the repentance of Adam (as)
* This is the day when Ibrahim (as) was born.
* This is the day the Qayamat (doomsday) will occur. (From hadiths we know Qayamat will occur on a friday, but does not specify which month)
* Whoever baths of Ashura will never get ill.
* Muharram is an evil or unlucky month.( Due to the battle of Karbala)
* Marriages should not be held in Muharram.
All of the above are misconceptions based on unauthentic traditions. This misconception can be easily removed by the fact that on the exact same day Husain (ra) was martyred, years ago Prophet Musa (as) and his followers were saved from Pharaoh, which is why Prophet Muhammad (saw) observed the fast on Ashura and ordered the Muslims to do the same. The day can not be lucky or unlucky at the same time.
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