Showing posts with label Miracles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miracles. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Brain And Heart- Scientific Miracles In Islam

Brain And Heart- Scientific Miracles In Islam

"Brain and Heart"

Allah has created for us the brain and the heart to thank him for all these graces and to think about the universe and God's creatures. So the brain contains over million of million nerve cells that work in a wonderful order. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood to all the body parts, in it there is the center of mind, thinking and belief. To thank God for his graces, we have to use these graces in worship and thinking of Quran because this heart is a grace from God. As for those who don't read Quran, don't perform the prayers and are far from God, they don't understand what God says and we shouldn't be like them.

Allah SWT says:
"They have hearts wherewith they understand not"

(Quran 7:179)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Why Does Donkeys See The Demons And Cocks See The Angels?

Why Does Donkeys See The Demons And Cocks See The Angels?

Why does donkeys see the demons and cocks see the angels? Scientific miracle!

• (Here the miracle of our Prophet Muhammad, God''s blessings and peace is upon him).

A prophetic tradition, peace is upon him, which he says:
"If you have heard the voices of cocks ask Allah of His bounty, they saw an angel and if you have heard braying donkeys, you seek refuge with God from demon, they saw demon"

How we have heard this talk.. Did not stand on it? And we did not expect containing a scientifically discovery which amazing the world When discovered.

• The ability of the human visual system is limited and different from the visual capacity of the donkeys, which in turn differ in their capacity as the ability of the visual of cocks.
Thus, the ability of human vision is limited, not to see what is under the red rays and over the UV radiation. But the ability of cocks and donkeys are more than that.

• The question here is.. How can the donkey and the cock sees and the demons and angels ?

1. The donkey can view the red rays, and the devil, one of the
committees created from the fire so, from the infra-red of the opinion that donkey does not see angels, but see the jinn.

2. The cocks view through UV radiation, and the angels created from light, so from the UV rays, so the cocks can see angels.
• This explains why does the demons escape when we remembrance of Allah.

The reason is this: The angels came to the place of God is
mentioned.. Devils escaped.

• Why do the devils escape in the presence of the angels?
The answer: because the devils to be harmed by the light of the
angels. In other words: If UV rays met with infrared rays in one place, the red rays will disappears.

Who told Muhammad, God''s blessings and peace is upon him, of all this scientific information 1400 years ago

Friday, May 31, 2013

How the Human Being is Formed in the Light of Quran and Science - Quran Miracle

How the Human Being is Formed in the Light of Quran and Science - Quran Miracle Video

And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay.

Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging.

Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah , the best of creators.

اور ہم نے انسان کو مٹی کے خلاصے سے پیدا کیا ہے

پھر اس کو ایک مضبوط (اور محفوظ) جگہ میں نطفہ بنا کر رکھا

پھر نطفے کا لوتھڑا بنایا۔ پھر لوتھڑے کی بوٹی بنائی پھر بوٹی کی ہڈیاں بنائیں پھر ہڈیوں پر گوشت (پوست) چڑھایا۔ پھر اس کو نئی صورت میں بنا دیا۔ تو خدا جو سب سے بہتر بنانے والا بڑا بابرکت ہے

Reference: Surat Al-Muminun, Verse 12,13,14

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Do You Know The Miracles of ZamZam Water (Abe Zam Zam)?

Do You Know The Miracles of ZamZam
ZamZam water level is around 10.6 feet below the surface. It is the miracle of Allah that when Zam Zam was pumped continuously for more than 24 hours with a pumping rate of 8,000 liters per second, water level dropped to almost 44 feet below the surface,

BUT WHEN THE PUMPING WAS STOPPED, the level immediately elevated again to 13 feet after 11 minutes.

8,000 liters per second means that

8,000 x 60 = 480,000 liters per minute

480,000 liters per minutes means

that 480,000 x 60 = 28.8 Million liters per hour

And 28.8 Million liters per hour

means that 28,800,000 x 24 = 691.2 Million liters per day

So they pumped 690 Millions liters of ZamZam in 24 hours, but it was re-supplied in 11 minutes only.

There are 2 miracles here, the first that ZamZam was re-filled immediately, & the second is that Allah Holds the extra-ordinaril y powerful Aquifer for not throwing extra ZamZam out of the well, otherwise the world will SINK.

It is the translation of the word ZamZam, which means Stop !!!!!!!!!!!! Stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said by Hajirah Alaih As Salaam.

Zimam is an Arabic word, it is the rope / REIN attached to bridle or noseband & it is used / pulled to stop the running animal.

Zamzam water has no colour or smell, but it has a distinct taste.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Transparent Fish, Pictures & Video of Transparent Head Fish

Transparent Fish, Pictures & Video of Transparent Head Fish

Transparent Fish, Pictures & Video of Transparent Head Fish

Transparent Fish, Video of Transparent Head Fish

SubhanAllah + MashaAllah
Allah Ki Qudrat

Transparent Fish, Pictures & Video of Transparent Head Fish

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Scientific Miracles of The Quran - CORONARY BY-PASS SURGERY

Did We not open up and expand your breast for you and remove your load from you which weighed down your back? Did We not raise your renown high? For truly with hardship comes ease; truly with hardship comes ease. (Qur'an, 94:1-6)

In order for it to survive and function, every organ needs to be nourished by means of the blood. Blood flows to the heart through the coronary artery. In cases of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), narrowing and blockages can arise in these arteries. When the condition progresses, the passage of the blood is obstructed and the heart receives insufficient supply. This leads to chest pains, which show that the heart is unable to function properly and also to heart attacks.

The expression "Alam nashrah laka sadraka" in the above verse-translated as "Did we not open up and expand your breast for you…"-may be a sign of heart disorders of this kind and present-day coronary by-pass surgery. (Allah knows best.) That is because the first meaning of the term "lam nashrah" expresses the verb "to cut open flesh and similar substances." Indeed, in such operations, the heart is accessed by splitting the breastbone in two. As a result of the operation, the blood is enabled to flow again and chest pain is eliminated. The term "expand" in the above verse may be a sign of the removal of such congestion of the arteries.

Furthermore, it is most wise that immediately after this Sura Allah should swear by the olive, which is so beneficial to the heart. (Qur'an, 95:1)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Human Being Made from Clay - MIRACLES OF THE QURAN

Human Being Made from Clay - MIRACLES OF THE QURAN

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Video | Miracle of Kaaba Birds Doing Tawaaf

Miracle of Kaaba Birds Doing Tawaaf

If you have performed Hajj or Umrah then you will personally testify to this miracle that 365 days a week 24/7 several flocks of ABABEEL are doing tawaf of Khana Kaba non-stop.

This is indeed one of the greatest proof of the truthfulness of Quran (Surat Feel).

بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ

أَلَم تَرَ كَيفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصحٰبِ الفيلِ ﴿١

(1) Have you not seen how Allah dealt with the companions of the Elephant?

أَلَم يَجعَل كَيدَهُم فى تَضليلٍ ﴿٢

(2) Did He not cause their schemes to go astray?

وَأَرسَلَ عَلَيهِم طَيرًا أَبابيلَ ﴿٣

(3) And He sent against them flights of birds

تَرميهِم بِحِجارَةٍ مِن سِجّيلٍ ﴿٤

(4) pelting them with stones of baked clay,

فَجَعَلَهُم كَعَصفٍ مَأكولٍ ﴿٥

(5) so that He made them like straw eaten (by cattle).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Allah's Name Formed by a Tree in England | Miracle

Allah's name formed by a tree in England
Location: United Kingdom

Allah's name formed by a tree in England

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ALLAH ki Shaan dekho - Subhan ALLAH kesa Raaziq hai Mera ALLAH

ALLAH ki Shaan dekho - Subhan ALLAH kesa Raaziq hai Mera ALLAH

Monday, February 14, 2011

Islamic Miracles Video

Islamic Miracles Video

Friday, February 11, 2011

Miracles of Islam [Video]

Miracles of Islam [Video]

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why is Kaaba in Makkah - Miracles in Islam [Video]

Why is Kaaba in Makkah - Miracles in islam [Video]


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Miracle of The 2 Rivers mentioned in Holy Quran [VIDEO]

Miracle of " The 2 Rivers " mentioned in Holy Quran [VIDEO]

This is the video of two rivers flowing in southern part near Cape Town, South Africa.These Rivers flowing together and finally settle down in the ocean. The taste of one river is extremely sweet, whereas others taste is extremely opposite.

They flow together but they never mix. there is nothing in between these two rivers which stop them for mixing. There nature came to know in starting of 20th century where as Allah mentioned the nature of these two rivers about 1400 years back.

[Surah Rahman 55 Ayat 19]

Monday, November 29, 2010

The name of Allah on hand

If we contemplate in the shape of the fingers at the back of the right hand, we will find out amazingly, that it draws the name of ALLAH.

The name of Allah on hand

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Amazing marks on hand

Amazing marks on hand
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