Showing posts with label Questions And Answers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Questions And Answers. Show all posts

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ilm Gaib Kiya Hota Hai - Gaib Ka Ilm Quran or Hadith Ki Roshani Mai

السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ وبرکاتہ

آپ سب سے درخواست ہے کہ اس موضوع کو بہت غور سے پڑھیں اور سمجھیں ۔ علم غیب پر بہت سے لوگوں کی بحث کرتے ، لڑتے دیکھا ۔ ان میں ہر کوئی قرآن وا احادیث سے دلائل دیتا ہے ۔ عام بندہ الجھ کر رہ جاتا ہے کہ ایک طرف قران و احادیث میں ہے کہ غیب کا علم صرف اللہ کے پاس ہے تو دوسری طرف نبی پاک قیٓامت کی نشانیاں، آنے والے وقتوں کی پیشن گوئیاں بھی بتا رہے ہیں ۔ ایسا کیسے ممکن ہے ٓتو آپ سب کو آج علم غیب ہوتا کیا ہے اس بارے میں بتایا جائے گا تاکہ غلط فہمیوں سے ہٹ کر صحیح عقیدہ لوگوں کے علم میں ہو اور وہ بھول بھلیوں میں بھٹکتے نہ پھریں ۔

٭٭٭٭٭٭ علم غیب کیا ہوتا ہے ٭٭٭٭٭

ایسا علم جس کے جاننے میں درمیان میں کوئی واسطہ نہ ہو ۔ کوئی خبر نہ ہو ۔ کوئی ذریعہ نہ ہو ۔ جو بغیر کسی واسطہ سورس کے علم ہوتا ہے اس کو علم غیب بولتے ہیں جو کہ صرف اور صرف اللہ کا خاصہ ہے۔

اب سب سے بڑی سمجھنے والی بات یہ ہے کہ نبی کو وحی سے ہر بات اللہ کی طرف سے بتائی جاتی ہے اور اسکو خبر بولتے ہیں ۔ ہر نبی اپنی طرف سے کچھ نہیں کہتے بلکہ اللہ پاک ان کو وحی سے بتاتے ہیں ۔ جو چیز وحی سے بتا دی جائے اس کو غیب کی خبر بولتے ہیں ۔ غیب پر اطلاع کیا جانا بولتے ہیں لیکن اس کو علم غیب نہیں بولتے ہیں ۔ کیونکہ بیچ میں وحی کا سورس واسطہ آ گیا ۔ اسی طرح جو جو نبی بتاتے ہیں چاہے آنے والے وقت کے بارے میں ، چاہے قیامت کے بارے میں ۔ یہ سب اللہ پاک وحی سے نبی کو خبر کرتے ہیں نہ کہ نبی بغیر وحی کے اپنی طرف سے ۔ اللہ پاک یہ علم کسی کو عطا نہیں کرتے بلکہ مطلع کرتے ہیں

جیسا کہ اللہ پاک کا فرمان ہے ۔

وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيُطْلِعَكُمْ عَلَى الْغَيْبِ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَجْتَبِي مِن رُّسُلِهِ مَن يَشَاءُ ۖ فَآمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ الخ اٰٰل عمران 179 پارہ 3

(ترجمہ:اور نہیں ہے اللہ تعالیٰ کہ مطلع کرے تم کو غیب پر ،لیکن ہاں جس کو خود چاہے اور وہ اللہ تعالیٰ کے پیغمبر ہیں ،اُن کو منتخب فرمالیتا ہے)

مراد غیب کی باتیں وحی سے نبی یا رسول کو اطلاع کی جاتی ہیں نہ کہ غیب کا علم اللہ پاک نبی کو عطا فرماتے ہیں ۔ کیونکہ غیب کے علم میں کسی چیز وحی یا خبر کا واسطہ نہیں ہوتا جو کہ صرف اللہ تعالی کا خاصہ ہے کسی مخلوق کا نہیں ۔

مزید اور جگہ ارشاد باری تعالیٰ ہے۔

عَالِمُ الْغَيْبِ فَلَا يُظْهِرُ عَلَىٰ غَيْبِهِ أَحَدًا ﴿٢٦﴾ إِلَّا مَنِ ارْتَضَىٰ مِن رَّسُولٍ الخ جن 26،27 پارہ 72

(ترجمہ :۔ غیب کا جاننے والا وہ ہی ہے،سو مطلع نہیں فرماتا وہ اپنے غیب پر کسی کو ، سوائے اپنے پسندیدہ رسولوں کے)

آپ سب دیئکھ سکتے ہیں کہ اللہ پاک مطلع کرنے کا بتا رہے ہیں نہ کہ علم غیب عطا کرنے کا ۔ مطلع کا مطلب اس چیز پر اطلاع کیا جانامزید اس کو سمجھنے کے لئے اللہ پاک کا فرمان دیکھیں کہایک اور جگہ اللہ پاک فرماتے ہیں ۔یہ نبی غیب کی خبریں بتانے میں بخیل نہیں۔ (التکویر 24)غیب کی خبریں نبی کو کون دیتا ہے ؟؟؟؟؟ اللہ تعالی ۔۔ کیسے دیتا ہے وحی سے ۔۔ جب وحی بیچ میں آ گئی تو یہ علم غیب نہ رہا اللہ کی طرف سے خبر کہلایا ۔

نبی کو اللہ تعالیٰ، اپنی ذات، فرشتوں، جنت و دوزخ کے غیب کی خبر دیں تو وہ علم غیب یا اطلاع عن الغیب کہلائے۔ اور نبی کے ذریعے سے یہ خبریں ساری امت تک پہنچ جائیں تو امت کو کیوں علم الغیب یا اطلاع عن الغیب نہیں کہا جاتا؟

ان شاء اللہ اگر آپ نے غور سے پڑھ لیا ہے ایک بار تعصب کی پٹی ہٹا کر تو علم غیب اور علم غیب کی خبر میں فرق کو سمجھ جائیں گے اور گواہی دیں گے کہ علم غیب صرف اللہ کے پاس ہے اور وہ اپنے نبیوں وا رسولوں میں سے جسے منتخب کر لیتا ہے اسے غیب کی خبریں بتا دیتا ہے ۔ جتنا اللہ چاہتا ہے اتنا بتا دیتا ہے ۔۔

اب سب کو سمجھ آ گئی ہوگی کہ ایک طرف اللہ کیوں فرماتے ہیں کہ غیب کا علم صرف میرے پاس ہے اور دوسری طرف نبی وا رسول نشانیاں ۔ جنت دوزخ ۔ آگے والے حالات واقعات کیسے بتا دیتے ہیں

اللہ سبحانہ وتعالیٰ سب بھائیوں کو سمجھنے کی توفیق دیں -

آمین.. ثمہ آمین...

فرمانِ باری ہے:

''اے ایمان والو! اللہ سبحانہ وتعالیٰ کی اطاعت کرو اور رسول کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی کرو اور اولی الامر (امراء یا اہل علم) کی بھی، پس اگر تمہارا کسی شے میں تنازع ہوجائے تو اسے اللہ اور رسول کی طرف لوٹادو اگر تم اللہ اور یوم آخر پر ایمان رکھتے ہو، یہ زیادہ بہتر اور نتیجہ کے اعتبار سے زیادہ اچھا ہے۔'' سورة النساء:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Why Non Muslims are Not Allowed to Enter in Makkah and Madina

Why non Muslims are not allowed to enter in Makkah and Madina

Reference from Quran:

O you who have believed, indeed the polytheists are unclean, so let them not approach al-Masjid al-Haram after this, their [final] year. And if you fear privation, Allah will enrich you from His bounty if He wills. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Wise.

مومنو! مشرک تو پلید ہیں تو اس برس کے بعد وہ خانہٴ کعبہ کا پاس نہ جانے پائیں اور اگر تم کو مفلسی کا خوف ہو تو خدا چاہے گا تو تم کو اپنے فضل سے غنی کر دے گا۔ بےشک خدا سب کچھ جانتا (اور) حکمت والا ہے

Reference: Surat At-Tawbah - Verse 28

Further in Urdu:

 غیر مسلم مکّہ مکرمہ میں کیوں داخل نہیں ہو سکتے ؟

آپ بذریعہ سڑک کسی بھی جانب سے مکہ مکرمہ میں داخل ہوں تو حدود حرم کے آغاز سے کچھ پہلے سڑکوں پر جلی حروف میں بار بار یہ الفاظ تحریر نظر آتے ہیں کہ ''غیر مسلم کا مکّہ کی حدود میں داخلہ منع اور فقط مسلمین مکّہ میں داخل ہو سکتے ہیں ''

اور پھر وہ مقام آ ہی جاتا ہے جہاں یہ سائیں بورڈ آویزاں ہے جو آپکو تصویر میں نظر آرہا ہے جس میں حتمی طور سے اس بات کی نشاندھی کی گئی ہے کہ غیر مسلمین داہنے ہاتھہ کی جانب '' طائف '' کی جانب مڑ جائیں جسکو میں نے لال تیر سے واضح کیا ہے جبکہ مسلمین بائیں جانب ، مکّہ مکرمہ کی طرف مڑ سکتے ہیں جسکی نشاندھی میں نے نیلے تیر سے کی ہے - گویا یہ وہ نقطہ آخر ہے جہاں سے مسلمانوں اور غیر مسلیمین کی راہیں جدا ہونا لازمی ہیں -

ہم سب جانتے ہیں کہ مکّہ کی طاہر فضاؤں میں صرف کلمہ گو اہل ایمان ہی داخل ہو سکتے ہیں کسی نجس کا اس پاک شہر میں داخلہ شرعا '' ممنوع ہے اور اس وجہ سے مکّہ مکرمہ کے اطراف میں موجود تمام ایکسپریس ویز پر ایسے انتباہی بورڈ آویزاں ہیں -

غیر مسلموں پر رسول الله صلی الله علیہ و الیہ وسلم نے سن 9 ہجری میں یہ پابندی لگائی تھی جو آج تک الحمد الله برقرار ہے -
کیا آپ بتا سکتے ہیں کہ رسول الله صلی الله علیہ و الیہ وسلم نے یہ پابندی کیوں لگائی تھی ؟ آخر اس پابندی کو لگانے کی وجہ کیا تھی ؟


سن 8 ہجری میں فتح کے بعد جب پورے مکّہ مکرمہ میں مسلمانوں کا مکمل غلبہ ہوگیا تو سن 9 ہجری میں الله سبحان و تعالی نے خاص آیت نازل فرمائیں جس میں حکم دیا گیا کہ نجس مشرکین کو مسجد الحرام کے پاس پھٹکنے نہ دو - یہ آیت قرآن حکیم کی سوره توبہ کی آیت نمبر 28 ہے جو پارہ نمبر 10 میں ہے ، جس کا اردو ترجمہ کچھہ یوں ہے :-

'' اے ایمان والو، مشرک بالکل ہی ناپاک ہیں - وہ اس سال کے بعد مسجد الحرام کے پاس بھی بھٹکنے نہ پائیں- اگر تمہیں مفلسی کا خوف ہو تو الله تمہیں دولت مند کردے گا - اپنے فضل سے اگر چاہے ، الله علم و حکمت والا ہے ''

قران پاک میں الله سبحان و تعالی کے ان واضح احکامات کے بعد رسول الله صلی الله علیہ و آلیہ وسلم نے مشرکوں اور کفّار پر مسجد الحرام یعنی مکّہ مکرمہ کی حدود میں داخلے پر پابندی لگا دی جو الحمد الله 1400 سال سے زاید عرصۂ گزرجانے کے باوجود اب تک الله کی مدد اور رحمت سے قایم و دائم ہے اور انشاء الله قیامت تک برقرار رہے گی -

مدینہ المنورہ بھی کیونکہ رسول الله صلی الله علیہ و آلیہ وسلم کا حرم ہے اور آپ صلی الله علیہ و آلیہ وسلم مجسم وہاں موجود ہیں تو اسکی عظمت ، پاکدامنی اور حرمت کا تقاضہ ہے کہ وہاں کی طاہر فضاؤں میں بھی نجس لوگ داخل نہ ہوں - اسلئے مدینہ منورہ میں بھی یہ پابندی لگائی گئی ہے -

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Namaz Mein Takhno Kay Nechay Kapray Ko Latkana Ya Trouser Ko Nechye Se Fold Kerna

Namaz Mein Takhno Kay Nechay Kapray Ko Latkana Ya Trouser Ko Nechye Se Fold Kerna

Kiya Namaz Ada Ho Jaye Gi ? Ager

1. Namaz Mein Takhno Kay Neechay Kapray Ko Latkaya Jaye?
2. Namaz Mai Trouser/Shalwar/Pant Ko Fold Ker Ke Pardha Jaye?


Trouser/Shalwar/Pant ka takhnon say neechay hona agar to Ghuroor-o-Takabur ki wajha say hay tab to Makrooh-e-Tahreemi hay aor namaz nahi ho gi.

Aor agar Ghuroor ki bina par na ho aor wesay hi Trouser/Shalwar/Pant takhnon say neechi ho to Makrooh-e-Tanzeehi hay namaz ada hojaye gi.

Laikin Namaz ke doran kapron ko morna , ya shalwar ko oper say morna (urhsna) , yeh donon Makrooh-e-Tahreemi hain, Chahay kisi bhi niyat say kapron ko kisi bhi jagha say mora , namaz makrooh-e-tahreemi hogi aor aesi soorat main ada ki gayi namaz dobara ada krna zroori hay.

Namaz Mein Takhno Kay Nechay Kapray Ko Latkana Ya Trouser Ko Nechye Se Fold Kerna [Video]

Namaz Mein Takhno Kay Nechay Kapray Ko Latkana Ya Trouser Ko Nechye Se Fold Kerna
[Other References]

Hadith Reference:

"Hazrat Ibne Abbas (Radi Allah Anhu) Se Marvi Hai Ke
Huzor Sallallaho Alihe Wasallam Farmatay Hai Ke Mujhe Hukum Howa Ke Saat (Seven) Hadiyoon (Bones) Par Sajda Karo. Munh (Face) Aur Donoon Hath (Both Hands) Aur Dono Khudnoon (Knee) Aur Dunoon Panjay (Feet)) Aur Yeah Hukum Howa Ke Kapde Aur Baal (Hair) Na Modo"

Sahih al-Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 12, Number 773

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Long Nails in Islam - Can Woman Keep Long Clean Finger Nails

Lengthening one's nails is contradictory to the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). Al- Bukhaari and Muslim reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Five are among the Fitra acts: "circumcision, shaving pubic hair, plucking out armpit hair, cutting one's nails and trimming one's mustache".

This is because removing such things is among the endless beauties of Islam which urges people to be clean, pure, well-conducted and well-educated. The ultimate aim of Islam is to make the Muslim be in the best state and the best image. No doubt that long nails that resemble lion's claws are not beautiful.

Islam orders only that which is beautiful and prohibits only that which is ugly.

Not cutting one's nails for more than forty days is dislikeable. Anas (R.A) said: "The Prophet (PBUH) fixed a deadline for us for cutting the nails, plucking out the armpit hair and shaving the pubic hair (he ordered us) not to leave any of those more than 40 days."
[Ahmad, Abu Daawood and others]

From the above, as long as the nails do not hold any impurities and do not exceed a period of forty days (from having them), then there is no objection for leaving them. But after 40 days, they must be cut as specified earlier.

Allah knows best.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Muslims Celebrating Christmas - Can a Muslim Celebrate Christmas


Can a Muslim celebrate Christmas? Is there any Fatwa about celebrating Christmas? Is it written in the holy Qur'an about Christmas? Is it allowed for us as Muslims to congratulate Christians in their Eids (i.e. Merry Christmas, etc.)?


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad
(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) is His slave and Messenger.

A Muslim should be thankful to Allah for His great blessings upon him as He is Who guided him to the right path. So he should keep on supplicating Allah to make him steadfast on this path which is the path of blessed people and to keep him away from the path of those who deserve His anger and of those who went astray.

The disbelievers spare no efforts to draw the Muslims away from the straight path and to cut their relation with their true religion. Allah says (what means): {Many of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) wish that if they could turn you away as disbelievers after you have believed, out of envy from their ownselves, even, after the truth (that Muhammad
(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) is Allaah's Messenger) has become manifest unto them. But forgive and overlook, till Allah brings His command. Verily, Allaah is able to do all things.}
[Qur'an 2:109].

We the Muslims are proud of our religion that was revealed to us by Allah and are thankful that Allah has chosen us for his religion. Allah says (what means): {… This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. …} [Qur'an 5:3].

The non Muslims' celebrations such as the second millennium, Christmas Day, etc. are among the falsehoods that a Muslim should avoid. Allaah says (what means): {And those who do not bear witness to falsehood, and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity.} [Qur'an 25:72]. Many scholars of Qur'an like Ibn Seereen and Mujaahid interpret "falsehood" as the festivals of the disbelievers.

However, participating in the festivals of non-Muslims is a kind of cooperation in the disobedience of Allaah. Allaah says (what means): {…Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression….} [Qur'an 5:2]. A person came to the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) and said: "I have taken a vow to sacrifice a camel at Buwaanah. The Prophet
(صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)  asked: “Did the place contain any idol worshipped in pre-Islamic times? They (the people) said: “No”. He asked: “Was any pre-Islamic festival observed there?” They replied: “No”. The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)  said: “Fulfil your vow, for a vow to do an act of disobedience to Allah must not be fulfilled, neither must one do something over which a human being has no control.”

No doubt celebrating such feasts is actually imitating disbelievers. The companion of the Prophet Abdullaah Ibn Amr Ibn al-'Aas said: "Whoever celebrates the Persian New Year's Day or their carnival and imitates them till his death he will be resurrected with them on the Day of Judgment." The Prophet said: "Whoever imitates a nation is but one of them." [Abu Daawood]

Many times Allah has mentioned the details of the birth of 'Eesaa (Jesus) in the Qur'an but He did not mention any celebration to be done on this occasion. Therefore, a Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them. A Muslim celebrates only the Islamic Eid days. Anas reported: "The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)  came to Madeenah while they had two days they celebrated. The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)  asked, "What are these two days?" They said, 'These are two days we used to celebrate in our pre Islamic era. The Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)  said: "Allaah has replaced them with two better days: 'Eid Al-Adh-haa and 'Eid Al- Fitr." [Ahmad and At-Tirmithi]

Moreover, no Muslim is allowed to congratulate non-Muslims on their festival celebrations. Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim reported the consensus of all scholars that greeting non-Muslims on their religious occasions is forbidden. He said: “As for congratulating the disbelievers for their rituals, it is forbidden according to the agreement of all scholars- like: congratulating them for their feasts and fast by expressing good wishes: happy feast or enjoy your feast… etc. If the Muslim who says this does not become a disbeliever himself, he, at least, commits a sin as this is the same as congratulating him for his belief in the trinity, which is a greater sin and much more disliked by Almighty Allaah than congratulating him for drinking alcohol or killing a soul or committing fornication or adultery…etc.”

In a word, congratulating non Muslims for their feasts is synonymous of accepting their wrongdoing and disbelief in Allaah. Is there a greater disbelief than attributing a son to Allaah or saying that 'Eesaa (Jesus) is Allaah or that Allaah is the third of three "gods"? So, any Muslim who congratulates a person for a sin, an innovation or an act of disbelief has exposed himself to the hatred and anger of Almighty Allaah.

Finally, if the non Muslims congratulate us for our feasts, we do not congratulate them for their feasts as we are on the right path and they are not. Allaah says (what means): {And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.} [Qur'an 2:85]

Allaah Knows best.

Fatwa answered by: The Fatwa Center at Islamweb

Friday, October 7, 2011

Why is a man allowed to marry more than one wife in Islam?

Why is a man allowed to marry more than one wife in Islam? Or why is polygamy allowed in Islam?

1. Definition of Polygamy Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. Polygamy can be of two types. One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man. In Islam, limited polygyny is permitted and polyandry is completely prohibited. Now coming to the original question, why is a man allowed to have more than one wife?

2. Qur'an is the only religious scripture in the world that says 'marry only one' Qur'an is the only religious book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase 'marry only one'. There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only one wife. In none of the religious scriptures like the Vedas, the Ramayan, the Mahabharat, the Geeta or the Bible does one find a restriction on the number of wives. According to these scriptures one can marry as many as one wishes. It was only later, that the Hindu priests and the Christian Church restricted the number of wives to one.

Many Hindu religious personalities, according to their scriptures, had multiple wives. King Dashrat, the father of Rama, had more than one wife. Krishna had several wives. In earlier times, Christian men were permitted as many wives as they wished, since the Bible puts no restriction on the number of wives. It was only a couple of centuries ago that the Church restricted the number of wives to one.

Polygyny is permitted in Judaism. According to Talmudic law, Abraham had 2 wives, and Solomon had hundreds of wives. The practice of polygyny continued till Rabbi Gershom ben Yehudah. (960 A.D to 1030 A.D) issued an edict against it. The Jewish Sephardic communities living in Muslim countries continued the practice till as late as 1950, when an Act of the chief Rabbinate of Israel extended the ban on marrying more than one wife.

3. Hindus are more polygamous than Muslims The report of the 'Committee of The Status of Woman in Islam', published in 1975 mentions on page numbers 66,67 that the percentage of polygamous marriages between the year 1951 -1961 was 5.06 among the Hindus and only 4.31 among the Muslims. According to Indian law only Muslim men are permitted to have more than one wife. It is illegal for any non-Muslim in India to have more than one wife. Despite it being illegal, Hindus have more multiple wives as compared to the Muslim. One can imagine what would have been the percentage of polygamous marriages among the Hindus if the Indian government had made it legal for them. Earlier, there was no restriction even on Hindu men with respect to the number of wives allowed. It was only in 1954, when the Hindu Marriage Act was passed that it became illegal for a Hindu to have more than one wife. At present it is the Indian Law that restricts a Hindu man from having more than one wife and not the Hindu scriptures. Let us now analyse why Islam allows a man to have more than one wife.

4. Qur'an permits limited polygamy As I mentioned earlier, Qur'an is the only religious book on the face of the earth that says 'marry only one'. The context of this phrase is the following verse from Surah Nisa of the Glorious Qur'an: 'Marry woman of your choice in twos' threes' or fours' but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly, (with them), then only one' [Al-Qur'an 4:3]

Before the Qur'an was revealed, there was no upper limit for polygamy and many men had scores of wives, some even hundreds. Islam put an upper limit of four wives. Islam gives a man permission to marry two, three or four women, only on the condition that he deals with them justly. In the same chapter i.e. Surah Nisa verse 129 says: 'It is very difficult to be just and fair between women'. [Al-Qur'an (4:129)]

Therefore polygyny is not a rule but an exception. Many people are under the misconception that it is compulsory for a Muslim man to marry more than one wife.

Broadly, Islam has five categories of Do's and Dont's.

(i) 'Farz' i.e compulsory

(ii) 'Mustahab' i.e recommended or encouraged

(iii) 'Mubah' i.e permissible

(iv) 'Makruh' i.e 'not recommended' or discouraged

(v) 'Haram' i.e prohibited or forbidden

Polygyny falls in the middle category of things that are permissible. It cannot be said that a Muslim who has two, three or four wives is a better Muslim as compared to a Muslim who has only one wife.

5. Average life span of females is more than that of males By nature males and females are born in approximately the same ratio. During paediatric age however, in childhood itself a female child has more immunity than a male child. A female child can fight the germs and diseases better than the male child. For this reason, there are more deaths among males as compared to the females during paediatric age.

During wars, there are more men killed as compared to women. More men die due to accidents and diseases than women. The average life span of females is more than that of males, and at any given time one finds more widows in the world than widowers.

6. India has more male population than female due to female foeticide and infanticide. India is one of the few countries, along with the other neighbouring countries, in which the female population is less than the male population. The reason lies in the high rate of female infanticide in India, and the fact that more than one million female foetuses are aborted every year in this country, after they are identified as females. If this evil practice is stopped, then India too will have more females as compared to males.

7. World female population is more than male population In the USA, women outnumber men by 7.8 million. New York alone has one million more females as compared to the number of males, and of the male population of New York one-third are gays i.e sodomites. The USA as a whole has more than twenty-five million gays. This means that these people do not wish to marry women. Great Britain has four million more females as compared to males. Germany has five million more females as compared to males. Russia has nine million more females than males. God alone knows how many million more females there are in the whole world as compared to males.

8. Restricting each and every man to have only one wife is not practical Even if every man got married to one woman, there would still be more than thirty million more females in USA who would not be able to get husbands (considering that America has twenty five million gays). There would be more than four million females in Great Britain 5 million females in Germany and nine million females in Russia alone who would not be able to find a husband.

Suppose my sister happens to be one of the unmarried women living in USA, or suppose your sister happens to be one of the unmarried women in USA. The only two options remaining for her are that she either marries a man who already has a wife or becomes public property. There is no other option. I have posed this question to hundreds of non-Muslims and all opted for the first. However a few smart people before accepting, said they would prefer their sisters to remain virgins. Biologically, it is not possible for an average man or a woman to remain celibate throughout life. It may be possible in exceptional cases of one in ten thousand. In the vast majority, the person either gets married or performs illicit sex or indulges in other sexual perversions. Sex hormones are released in the adult body every day. That is the reason why Islam has prohibited monasticism.

In Western society it is common for a man to have mistresses and/or multiple extra-marital affairs, in which case, the woman leads a disgraceful, unprotected life. The same society, however, cannot accept a man having more than one wife, in which women retain their honourable, dignified position in society and lead a protected life.

Thus the only two options before a woman who cannot find a husband is to marry a married man or to become public property. Islam prefers giving women the honourable position by permitting the first option and disallowing the second. There are several other reasons, why Islam has permitted limited polygyny, but it is mainly to protect the modesty of women.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why is the eating of pork (pig meat) forbidden in Islam?

The fact that consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. The following points explain various aspects of this prohibition:

1. Pork prohibited in Qur’an

The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4 different places. It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.

"Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah." [Al-Qur’an 5:3]

The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to satisfy a Muslim as to why pork is forbidden.

2. Pork prohibited in the Bible

The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus

"And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you".

"Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you."

[Leviticus 11:7-8]

Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy

"And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass."

[Deuteronomy 14:8]

A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.

3. Consumption of pork causes several diseases

The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason, logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types of diseases. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the liver it can cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body.

Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis. A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal cooking temperature.

4. Pork has fat building material

Pork has very little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is not surprising that over 50% of Americans suffer from hypertension.

5. Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth

The pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, faeces and dirt. It is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In the villages they don’t have modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the open air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.

Some may argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very clean and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept together in sties. No matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their own as well as their neighbour’s excreta.

6. Pig is the most shameless animal

The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people consume pork. Many times after dance parties, they have swapping of wives; i.e. many say "you sleep with my wife and I will sleep with your wife." If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What is the position of Jesus Christ in Islam? Why Muslims dont believe that he is god?

In Quran he is mentioned by name Isa (Allaihe salam)

Position of Jesus (peace be upon him) in Islam

Islam is the only non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (peace be upon him). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus (peace be upon him)

We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of God

We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians do not believe.

We believe he was the Messiah translated Christ (peace be upon him)

We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission.

We believe that he healed those born blind, and the lepers with God’s permission.


Simply because Allah has clearly mentioned that in quran.But this answer will not be sufficient for christians to believe and they want proofs so here we go


God is *not a man*, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
Numbers [23:19]


"The Messiah ['Iesa (Jesus)], son of Maryam (Mary), was no more than a Messenger.." (5:75)


Jesus (peace be upon him) said
"Here, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." [Mark 12:29]


They surely disbelieve who say: Surely! Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah (himself) said: O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. (5:72)


Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, *a man* approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: (Acts 2: 22)


"..when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah.." (61:6)


After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the **prophet** who is to come into the world." (John, 6:14)

Jesus said "No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only.." John 1:18

(But people had seen jesus so jesus is not god according to his own saying)

Jesus fell on his face and prayed to his GOD? Matthew 26:39

(Can u imagine god praying to god) ? does it make sense?

“And Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.”? Mark 10:18

it is 100% clear that he made a distinction between him and God

Jesus said

"And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." [John 17:3]

Dont u think it is SHAHADAH of that time (I bear witness that there is one God and jesus christ is his messenger)

“There is good evidence to suggest that Jesus never saw himself as a suitable object of worship,”

[David Brown in his book titled, ‘The Divine Trinity']

“Jesus did not claim deity for himself”.

[Michael Ramsey writes in his book, ‘Jesus and the Living Past’- (1980) pages 39 to 43]

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Can you hug and kiss your wife while fasting ?

It has been reported through various ahadith that Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] did hug and kiss his wife while fasting.

‘Aisha رضی اللہ عنھا reported: Allah’s Messenger ﷺ used to kiss (his wives) while fasting and embraced (them) while fasting; but he had the greatest mastery over his desire among you. - [Muslim Book 6, #2439]

It is important to note that he had much control over his sexual desires. A man who fears that hugging or kissing his wife would cause him to lose control and cross the boundaries set by Allah (swt) for fasting, should not hug or kiss his wife at all. Although if a person has no fear of being aroused in a sexual way when he hugs or kisses his wife then it is permissible for him to do such.

Narated By ‘Aisha رضی اللہ عنھا: The Prophet [PBUH] used to kiss and embrace (his wives) while he was fasting, and he had more power to control his desires than any of you. Said Jabir, “The person who gets discharge after casting a look (on his wife) should complete his fast.” – [Bukhari Vol.3, Book 31, #149]

However, you cannot kiss your wife where the saliva exchanges. That will invalidate the fast.

Some quote the following hadith as evidence to say exchange of saliva does not invalidate the fast:

عن عائشة رضی اللہ عنھا ان النبی ﷺ کان یقبلھا و ھو صائم و یمص لسانھا
Narrated 'Ayesha رضی اللہ عنھا, The Prophet [PBUH] used to kiss her when he was fasting and he would suck her tongue - [Abu Dawood Book 13, #2380]

There is strict kalam on this hadith. The narrator Muhammad bin Deenar has been severely criticized and has been classified by some, including Ibn Ma'een and Dar Qutni as 'matrookul hadith' and 'da'eef'. Imam Nasai has stated that the last statement is only found in the hadith of Muhammad bin Deenar. Another narrator in the hadith, Sa'ad bin Aws al-'Abdi is also criticized and has transmitted other wrong narrations as well. Ibn Ma'een has classified him as 'da'eef'. (al-Fadhlul Ma'bud Sharh Sunan Abi Dawood vol.3, Kitab as-Saum pg. 553)

To base any ruling on a hadith with such a weak health is incorrect. Even if for argument's sake one says that this hadith is sound, even so, to conclude that it is permissible to swallow the saliva of the wife which is transmitted by kissing is incorrect. This is due to the fact that the hadith remains silent on whether this saliva was spat from the mouth or swallowed. Thus, even by accepting this hadith to be sound, the ruling of swallowing saliva cannot be established.

A third answer is given, as stated in al-Durr al-Mandud Sahrh Sunan Abi Dawood, vol.4 pg 216, the "و" after 'wa huwa saa'imun' is not "'aatifah" but is "Ist'nafiyah" in which case it will be a completely new statement and will not be linked to "and he was fasting".

Swallowing someone else's saliva invalidates the fast and thus such a kiss would not be permissible.

I’tikaaf means staying in the mosque for a specific purpose

I’tikaaf means staying in the mosque for a specific purpose, which is to worship Allaah (may He be glorified). It is prescribed in Islam and is mustahabb according to the consensus of the scholars. Imaam Ahmad said, as was narrated from him by Abu Dawood: “I have not heard from any of the scholars that it is anything other than Sunnah.”

Al-Zuhri (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “How strange the Muslims are! They have given up I’tikaaf, despite the fact that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never abandoned this practice from the time he came to Madeenah until his death.”

Read further about I’tikaaf;

Friday, August 19, 2011

How should we observe Laylat al-Qadr and when is it?

We are now in to last ten days of blessed month. And these last ten days and nights are the most virtuos and blessed. In it comes the Laylatul Qadr.

The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: “Seek Laylat al-Qadr among the odd numbered nights of the last ten nights of Ramadaan.”
[Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2017; Muslim, 1169.]


The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to strive hard in worship during the last ten days of Ramadaan as he never did at any other time, praying, reading Qur’aan and making du’aa’. Al-Bukhaari and Muslim narrated from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that when the last ten days of Ramadaan came, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) would stay up at night and would wake his family up, and would abstain from marital relations. Ahmad and Muslim narrated that he used to used to strive hard in worship during the last ten days of Ramadaan as he never did at any other time.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined staying up and praying on Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and in the hope of reward. It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever stays up and prays on Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.” Agreed upon. This hadeeth indicates that it is prescribed to observe Laylat al-Qadr by spending the night in prayer.


One of the best du’aa’s that may be recited on Laylat al-Qadr is that which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught to ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her). Al-Tirmidhi narrated, and classed the report as saheeh, that ‘Aa’ishah said: “I said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, if I know which night is Laylat al-Qadr, what should I say on that night?’ He said, ‘Say: Allaahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibb al-‘afwa fa’affu ‘anni (O Allaah, You are forgiving and You love forgiveness, so forgive me).”


With regard to specifying which night of Ramadaan is Laylat al-Qadr, this needs specific evidence, but the odd-numbered nights during the last ten nights are more likely than others, and the night of the twenty-seventh is the most likely to be Laylat al-Qadr, because that is mentioned in the ahaadeeth.


With regard to innovations, they are not permissible during Ramadaan or at other times. It was proven that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever innovates anything in this matter of ours that is not part of it will have it rejected.” According to another report, “Whoever does any action that is not part of this matter of ours will have it rejected.”

We know of no basis for the celebrations that are held during some nights of Ramadaan. The best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the worst of matters are those which are innovated (bid’ah).

And Allaah is the Source of strength. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas , 10/413


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Does shaving the beard during the day in Ramadan invalidate the fast?

Praise be to Allaah.


It is haraam for men to shave their beards during Ramadaan and at other times, because of the saheeh ahaadeeth which clearly enjoin allowing the beard to grow.

For example, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Be different from the mushrikeen: let your beards grow and trim your moustaches.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5892; Muslim, 259.

And he said: “Trim the moustache and let the beard grow; be different from the Magians.” Narrated by Muslim, 260.

The great scholar Ibn Muflih (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

Ibn Hazm stated that there was scholarly consensus saying that trimming the moustache and letting the beard grow are obligatory.

Al-Furoo’, 1/130

Shaving the beard is not one of the things that break the fast, but it does detract from the reward of the fasting person. The same applies to other sins such as lying, backbiting, and so on.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: Does engaging in haraam kinds of speech during the day in Ramadan invalidate a person’s fast?

He replied:

If we read the words of Allaah (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious)”

[al-Baqarah 2:183]

we will understand that that the reason behind the enjoining of fasting is so as to instill piety. Piety means giving up haraam things, and in general means doing what is enjoined and abstaining from what is forbidden.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever does not give up false speech and acting in accordance with it, or ignorance, Allaah has no need of his giving up his food and drink.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6057.

Based on this, it is most important that the fasting person avoids haraam words and deeds. So he should not backbite about people, tell lies or spread malicious gossip amongst them; he should not engage in haraam transactions; and he should avoid all haraam things. If a person avoids such things for a whole month, then he will remain righteous for the rest of the year. But unfortunately many of those who fast do not differentiate between a day when they are fasting and a day when they are not fasting. So they continue to speak and act as they usually do, engaging in haraam actions such as lying, cheating and so on. You cannot sense the dignity of fasting in them at all. These actions do not invalidate the fast but they do detract from its reward, and when they are done continually they may cancel the reward of fasting altogether.

From Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, vol. 19, question no. 233.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are Women Inferior To Men In Islam? | What Islam Says About The Rights of Women

‎'Women are inferior to men' is one of the most common misconception about Islam. The article below seeks to remove the misconception INSHALLAH

Unfortunately there are many muslims who believe that because Islam gives men the right of having authority over their wives, then this means that they are superior to women and have more honor than them. Men are not superior to women and women are not superior to men in Islam due to gender. Allah Almighty makes it perfectly clear that those superior in His sight are those who have more taqwa (God fearing consciousness)...

"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other) **Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you**..." [Surah 49:13]

In Islam, men and women DO NOT HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS. Their rights are different because of their nature. Their rights are not equal, rather they are EQUALLY BALANCED.

Islam believes in equality between men and women - Equality does not mean identicallity.

Suppose in a classroom 2 students, student 'A' and 'B', during an examination both come out first - Both secure 80% marks - 80 out of 100

Out of the hundreds of students, 2 come out first 'A' and 'B'

When you analyze the question paper, the question paper has 10 different questions, each carrying 10 marks.

In question 1 student 'A' got 9 out of 10, and student 'B' got 7 out of 10 - So in question 1 student 'A' was higher than student 'B'.

In question 2, student 'A' got 7 out of 10 and student 'B' got 9 out of 10,
- Student 'B' was higher than student 'A' in question number 2.

In question 3 both of them got 8 out of 10, both were equal

So when we add up the marks of all the ten questions, both student 'A' and 'B' got 80 out of 100

So in short, student 'A' and student 'B' are over all equal

In some question 'A' is higher than 'B', in some question 'B' is higher than 'A', in others both are equal

In the same fashion, taking the example that since Allah has given man more strength - Suppose a thief enters the house will you tell, 'I believe in women's rights - I believe in women's rights' - will you tell your mother, your sister and your daughter, to go and fight the thief?'

No, but natural you'll fight him - If required they may interfere - under normal circumstances since Allah has given you more physical strength, you have to go and tackle the thief.

So here, in physical strength, man is one degree higher than the woman

Let us take another example where. where it comes to giving respect to the -where it comes to respecting the parents - The children are supposed to respect the mother 3 times more than the father.

Here the women have one degree higher than the men - Over all both equal

"..And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses, etc.) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards obedience and respect, etc.) to what is reasonable, but men have a degree (of responsibility) over them.." [2:228]

a) The things which men can do and women cannot

* Point no: 1 (Men are protectors of women as a whole)

Allaah says
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allaah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means”[al-Nisa’ 4:34]

* Point no: 2 (Awrah)

A woman’s ‘awrah includes her entire body. The least that can be said is that she should not uncover anything except her face and hands

Allaah says:
“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be knownso as not to be annoyed. And Allaah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful”[al-Ahzaab 33:59]

* Shaykh Muhammad Salih Al Munajjid said in Islam QA fatwa no: 1105

The Qur’aan commands women to wear clothes that are different from those worn by men, because of the differences in the ways each sex is tempted by the other. The temptation posed by men is less than the temptation posed by women, so the clothes that women should wear are different than the clothes that men wear. It makes no sense to tell women to expose the parts of the body that men are allowed to expose, because of the differences in the temptation posed by a woman’s body and a man’s body (end quote)

* Point no: 3 (Obligatory prayers)

Prayer in the mosque is obligatory for men, but not for women; a woman’s prayer is in her house but she can pray in Masjid as well.

* Point no: 4 (Jihad)

Jihad (Jihad bil Saif/fighting)is not obligatory for women, but they can help if men are in need.

b) Things which women can do and men can not

* Point no: 1 (Silk and Gold)

a) Abu Dawood (3535) narrated that ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) took a piece of silk in his right hand and a piece of gold in his left and said, ‘These two are forbidden for the males of my ummah.’” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 3422.
b) “These are haraam for the males of my ummah and permitted for the females.” (Reported by Ibn Maajah, 2/1189).

* Point no: 2 (Rights of Mother)

A Mother has 3 times more right over her children then the father
Proof: Saheeh Muslim Book 032, Number 6180:.Abu Huraira reported that a person came to Allah, 's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Who among the people is most deserving of a fine treatment from my hand? He said: Your mother. He again said: Then who (is the next one)? He said: Again it is your mother (who deserves the best treatment from you). He said: Then who (is the next one)? He (the Holy Prophet) said: Again, it is your mother. He (again) said: Then who? Thereupon he said: Then it is your father

* Point no: 3 (Mahr)

Man gives the dower to his wife even if it is mountain of Gold.
Proof: Surah 4:4 (And give the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift)

* Point no: 4 (Monthly periods of women)

Women are commanded in their monthly periods to leave prayers.
Mu'adhah said: "I asked Aishah: Why must we make up the fasts missed due to our menstruation, but not the prayers [ missed through menstruation] ?" She said, "That was what the Messenger of Allah told us to do. We were ordered to make up the fasts, and we were ordered not to make up the prayers." [ Fiqh as-Sunnah 1.71a ]

* .Point no: 6(Martyr when a woman die during child birth)

Shaykh Muhammad Salih al Munajjid said in IslamQA Fatwa no: 8800

If a woman dies with a child in her womb, or she dies during childbirth or after childbirth but within the period of nifaas (post-partum bleeding), she is considered to be a shaheedah in sha Allaah. according to hadith of Maalik (1/233) and Abu Dawood, 3/482)]

Males and Females are equal as per rewards are concern. (unfortunately few muslims think that in matters of deed men have the authority)

[004:124] And whoever does righteous good deeds, male or female, and is a true believer in the Oneness of Allah (Muslim), such will enter Paradise and not the least injustice, even to the size of a Naqeera (speck on the back of a datestone), will be done to them.

[016:097] Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.

[040:040] "He that works evil will not be requited but by the like thereof: and he that works a righteous deed - whether man or woman - and is a Believer- such will enter the Garden (of Bliss): Therein will they have abundance without measure.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is celebrating Prophet's Birthday is really bida'ah? [Video]

Is celebrating Prophet's Birthday is really bida'ah? [Video]

- If you wish to celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birthday, FAST on Monday.
- If you wish to celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birthday, follow Islam.

Allah knows better

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Islamic view on celebrating the Valentine’s Day

Islamic view on celebrating the Valentine’s Day

Islamic view on celebrating the Valentine’s Day

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

First of all, we’d like to shed light on the origin of this festival, known as "Valentine Day" or "Festival of Love":

The Festival of Love was one of the festivals of the pagan Romans, when paganism was the prevalent religion of the Romans more than seventeen centuries ago. In the pagan Roman concept, it was an expression of "spiritual love".

There were myths associated with this pagan festival of the Romans, which persisted with their Christian heirs. Among the most famous of these myths was the Roman belief that Romulus, the founder of Rome, was suckled one day by a she-wolf, which gave him strength and wisdom.

The Romans used to celebrate this event in mid-February each year with a big festival.

One of the rituals of this festival was the sacrifice of a dog and a goat. Two strong and muscular youths would daub the blood of the dog and goat onto their bodies, then they would wash the blood away with milk. After that there would be a great parade, with these two youths at its head, which would go about the streets. The two youths would have pieces of leather with which they would hit everyone who crossed their path. The Roman women would welcome these blows, because they believed that they could prevent or cure infertility.

The connection between Saint Valentine and this festival:

Saint Valentine is a name which is given to two of the ancient "martyrs" of the Christian Church. It was said that there were two of them, or that there was only one, who died in Rome as the result of the persecution of the Gothic leader Claudius, c. 296 CE. In 350 CE, a church was built in Rome on the site of the place where he died, to perpetuate his memory.

When the Romans embraced Christianity, they continued to celebrate the Feast of Love mentioned above, but they changed it from the pagan concept of "spiritual love" to another concept known as the "martyrs of love", represented by Saint Valentine who had advocated love and peace, for which cause he was martyred, according to their claims. It was also called the Feast of Lovers, and Saint Valentine was considered to be the patron saint of lovers.

One of their false beliefs connected with this festival was that the names of girls who had reached marriageable age would be written on small rolls of paper and placed in a dish on a table. Then the young men who wanted to get married would be called, and each of them would pick a piece of paper. He would put himself at the service of the girl whose name he had drawn for one year, so that they could find out about one another. Then they would get married, or they would repeat the same process again on the day of the festival in the following year.

The Christian clergy reacted against this tradition, which they considered to have a corrupting influence on the morals of young men and women. It was abolished in Italy, where it had been well-known, then it was revived in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when in some western countries there appeared shops which sold small books called “Valentine’s books”, which contained love poems, from which the one who wanted to send a greeting to his sweetheart could choose. They also contained suggestions for writing love letters.
The above quotation is excerpted, with slight modifications, from

As regards the Islamic stance on this festival, Dr. Su`ad Ibrahim Salih, professor of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) at Al-Azhar University, states the following:

Indeed, Islam is the religion of altruism, true love, and cooperation on that which is good and righteous. We implore Allah Almighty to gather us together under the umbrella of His All-encompassing Mercy, and to unite us together as one man. Allah Almighty says: (The believers are naught else than brothers. Therefore make peace between your brethren and observe your duty to Allah that haply ye may obtain mercy.) (Al-Hujurat 49: 10)

Focusing more on the question in point, I can say that there are forms of expressing love that are religiously acceptable, while there are others that are not religiously acceptable. Among the forms of love that are religiously acceptable are those that include the love for Prophets and Messengers. It stands to reason that the love for Allah, and His Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) should have the top priority over all other forms of love.

Islam does recognize happy occasions that bring people closer to one another, and add spice to their lives. However, Islam goes against blindly imitating the West regarding a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day. Hence, commemorating that special day known as the Valentine’s Day is an innovation or bid`ah that has no religious backing. Every innovation of that kind is rejected, as far as Islam is concerned. Islam requires all Muslims to love one another all over the whole year, and reducing the whole year to a single day is totally rejected.

Hence, we Muslims ought not to follow in the footsteps of such innovations and superstitions that are common in what is known as the Valentine’s Day. No doubt that there are many irreligious practices that occur on that day, and those practices are capable of dissuading people from the true meanings of love and altruism to the extent that the celebration is reduced to a moral decline.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What does Islam say about abortion?

Are there any circumstances when abortion is allowed in Islam? What if pregnancy results from rape or incest?

Islam values human life. This is clearly expressed in the Qur'an where we are told that in the sight of God killing a human is a very serious matter (see Qur'an 5:32). The Qur'an teaches that on the Day of Judgement parents who killed their children will be under trial for that crime, and their children will be witnesses against them (see Qur'an 81:8-9).

People often fear that having more children will make them poor. In reply to that, the Qur'an says:
Do not slay your children for fear of poverty. We shall provide for them and for you (Qur'an 17:31).
Even in a case where one is already poor, the Qur'an insists that Allah will provide sustenance for us and for our children, and furthermore that Allah has made human life sacred (see Qur'an 6:151).

The right to life is God-given. No human should take away that right. The general rule, therefore, is that abortion is not permitted in Islam. However, Islam is a very practical religion. It includes principles to deal with exceptional cases. One such principle is that when a pregnancy threatens the life of the mother, an abortion may be performed. Although the lives of both mother and child are sacred, in this case it is better to save the principal life, the life of the mother. Even in this case, it would be better if the abortion is done before the foetus is 120 days old, for that is when the soul is breathed into the foetus. Islam does not permit abortion in other cases.

Women who have been victims of rape or incest naturally deserve sympathy and help. But a child conceived in this unfortunate manner still has a right to live. Of course this places an unwanted burden on the mother, but killing the child is not the right solution. To understand this point better, suppose someone sees the poorer sections of society as an unwanted burden on the rich. Would it be right then to kill off all the poor? Of course not. Why then should anyone decide that a child should be killed just because they are an unwanted burden? Society as a whole should help such a mother and relieve her as far as possible. But the child should not be killed.

Furthermore, the fact that such cases occur is an indication that people desperately need spiritual food. They need the pure teachings that will help them turn their minds away from adultery, rape, and incest. People need God. Can you help someone to turn to God?

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